In preparation for an amazing year ahead, this Winter we've launched our new website, celebrating the best of speciality ingredients, fine foods and Chefs essentials.
If you're reading this you've clearly found our new website... or at least our 'NEWS' page, so welcome! From here you'll be able to explore the rest of our site and a ton of helpful resources you never had before. Scroll on for a few of the highlights and benefits to you...
NEW LOOK: We're keeping it clean and white, so that the focus stays on our products. It's easier for you to identify the brands you love that way too. Our transparent green is used occasionally just as a long-established reassurance of the quality and service you associate with #teamforest. The new gold touch? Well, as you know, we're all about the very finest!
SEASONAL FEATURES: Our homepage now makes it easy for us to keep you updated with exciting new suppliers, products and news as the months roll. Visit our website for seasonal inspiration and the latest discoveries in speciality ingredients!
IMAGERY: No la-de-da staged photoshoots here, we're keeping it 'real'. We simply invited the photographer to wander around our warehouse, office and hub space to catch some of the action. Fancy visiting yourself? You'd be so welcome, get in touch!
RANGE: Here you'll find gateways into our different product categories, our supplier directory, supplier map and chef equipment shop! (Please note: our digital category brochures are a work-in-progress and will their launch will be staggered over the Winter period. Be sure to subscribe so that you're notified when they're ready for you!).
HUB: Our hub space has long been patiently waiting for the attention it deserves! You can now book our space for your own benefit or enjoy opportunities to get involved in many of the supplier showcases or #teamforest promotional days we have planned. Simply drop us a message through the quick online form or give us a call.
NEWS: Ok, so this is one blog that refuses to be ignored! Get ready for some serious action as we bring you product reviews, recipe ideas, profit-boosting tips, team developments, hub events and more! If you're a supplier or customer with big news, then let us know and we'll help share your story.
SUBSCRIBE: Ok, so not so new, but with a slicker strategy behind it! Rest assured we've no intention to hit you with many more emails, just another move forward with a 'quality, not quantity' approach to keeping you informed and inspired. It's super quick to subscribe, so visit our homepage now and pop in your email!
LINKS: Easy access to the key info you want fast, such as brochures, opening hours and delivery areas. It's all kept simple and stress-free, whilst still smart!

Bear in mind, it's all a work-in-progress, with lots planned for 2023, so check back regularly to see new developments in place! Remember too, it's all for you, so if you've feedback that you think would help us, then please feel free to drop us an email.
Ready to explore more? Visit
We'll see you there!
To contact us, call: 01884 849273 or email: